The CBG Force of our selection is a surprising variety, the Breeding of this variety took a long time and the results are impressive, A legal Light cannabis rich in cannabinoids, a high CBG level and an extremely low THC percentage. This GForce is a variety resulting from unique and ancient genetics, very resinous and of exceptional quality. A subtle and refreshing terpene profile, ranging from citrus fruity to light creamy spicy, making it very pleasant to drink. G force has frosty looking flowers with a beautiful white hue and gorgeous orange red pistils during growth. Rich in cannabinoids including CBG levels of up to 15% with a minimum level of 0.2% THC For a light, calming and relaxing high without psychoactive effect…
8.00€ – 200.00€
Green Morango
Chemin de la Camiole
83440 Callian
Tél: +33 (0) 6 25 53 30 44
SIRET: 82868183300012
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